Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An intense and joyful observer of the natural world, Oliver is often compared to Whitman and Thoreau. Her poems are filled with imagery from her daily walks near her home in Provincetown, Massachusetts: shore birds, water snakes, the phases of the moon. Maxine Kumin calls Oliver "a patroller of wetlands in the same way that Thoreau was an inspector of snowstorms" and "an indefatigable guide to the natural world."


Michael C said...

I have most often heard Mary Oliver's poems in the Unitarian Church here in town. I often think I should check out one of her books. Do you suggest a particular collection?

Meg Roland said...

Nice work on getting your blog going Donna. I didn't realize that Oliver is a resident of Cape Cod, Massachusettes. Thoreau wrote a book entitled _Cape Cod_ and, in their devotion to walking and to nature, I can see their shared sensibilities.


ludlow said...

QWhat a glorious job description, "inspector of snowstorms."